WHY does numerology work

Lucas Mentasti
3 min readMar 3, 2020


If you doubt that numerology works, I recommend you go to www.teledipity.com, make an account, and read your profile summary. You most likely won’t identify with everything it says, but… 50%? I’m not sure how much, but certainly a lot more than if it were all random… which begs the question… WHY?

Let’s take a look at a couple of concepts before arriving at any conclusions:

Simulation Theory:

Technology advances non-stop and things that fifty years ago appeared in science fiction today are a reality. I recall visiting EPCOT in the 80s, when they showed two kids chatting by camera rather than voice call, seeing each other’s faces. Facetime, anyone?

The point is that sooner or later we’re going to be able to simulate reality. Something like Matrix? But without the apocalyptic part. How long can that be off? 100 years? 1000 years? 10000 years? Unless we as a human race selfdestruct before that point comes, eventually we’re going to get there.

Hence, sooner or later, technology will enable simulations of such high quality that they will be indistinguishable from reality… how do we know that we are in 2020 and not in 6540, in a computer program that simulates 2020?

Turing Machine:

Alan Turing was a 20th-Century British mathematician known to be the father of scientific computation. Turing postulated that an abstract machine, the “oracle machine,” could make any decision, if it had a sufficient amount of energy and memory space. The subject of energy and memory is a fundamental problem in computer science. To reduce energy consumption, all computer programs follow certain patterns or rules, whose objective is to reduce the computational complexity. The fewer steps a program has to perform, the less energy is consumed.

One of the ways to reduce computational complexity is to index databases. Let’s imagine a closed box with 100 cards inside, numbered 1 to 100. If we would like to find a card with a specific number (e.g. 34), we would have to take one card out at a time, and check if they have the number 34. On average, we would have to do this 50 times.

Now let’s imagine that we divide the numbers into ten boxes, each with ten numbers inside, and we know that they are ordered into tens (1 to 10 in the first box, 11 to 20 in the second box, etc.). Now, the problem is much simpler. First we need to find the box that has numbers 31 through 40 (on average this would take five guesses) and then in this box find the card numbered 34 (on average five guesses). The number of “computations” is significantly reduced.

The bottom line is that in grouping similar patterns, we achieve greater efficiency — namely, fewer steps and consequently less energy expended.

Numerology and Simulation:

If we are in a simulation, patterns that we can recognize should exist, but we can’t really explain “why”. One of them is the law of gravity. We can’t negate it, and if we can understand the “how” (Newtonian physics) we can’t explain the “why”.

The big question therefore is, if we were in a computerized simulation, how could we realize it? Think of The Matrix films. How could Neo have realized that he was in a simulation? You are at the point of taking the blue pill..

Numerology says that the energy (and as a result the events) that we attract to our lives are not random. Instead, they follow a numerical pattern.

In numerology, nine energies exist, each corresponding with the nine numbers of the Decimal System. In short, all human beings are divided into nine groups that attract similar energies at the same rhythm.

Simulation and numerology are best friends indeed.



Lucas Mentasti

Advertising C-level Executive, Ontological Coach, Amateur numerologist, Author and Empath. Quite a combo.